Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Ariel Hair, New Friends, and The End of the World...oh my...

Well, January 2011 nice to meet you and check ya later?  Wow January went by sooo dang fast.  I swear the older you get the shorter my life becomes sheesh.  Speaking of being older.... oh wait thats just it... I am getting old. lol  I will be 24 YEARS OLD in March.  Ohhhh gracious!  But on a good note- I am celebrating my getting old by getting a spray tan, putting my Bump-Its to good use, and yelling with a horrible accent :)  yeah thats riiighttt  alll sorts of Gym, Tan, and Laundry till you puke cause Karen (my roommate) and I are having a Jersey Shore Birthday Party :)  It will be wonderful.  Details coming later* 

Anyways, in other news... I am modelin a new hair-do after one of my favorite Disney Princesses and have gone REDD!  Its weird being a ginger... lol   No I like it though, it is very.... becoming on me lol 

SO on Sunday night me and some of my closest like 22 friends came to my apartment and had Family Dinner. lol  I find this extreme joy in A) meeting new people  B)making extremely massive amounts of food and C) being hostess of the year lol  I just love having people over, serving food, and being all hospitality-like... I should make a job out of that or something...... HMMMMM...... lol 

Ummm...last segments of today's post  will be featuring the horrific "SNOW FEST 2011" that is supposed to happen.  I mean... its 2:15am and it hasnt ever started they like cancelled schools already and all kinds of stuff not to mention the state of Wal-Mart gave me PTSD that I should probably have checked out lol  I mean people EVERYWHERE, old people telling stories of snow days "back in the day" during the checkout lines, the bread isle's choices of $1.18 white or $1.34 wheat, and if you wanted batteries- flashlight- candles- propane tanks- etc FORGET ABOUT IT lol  SUch a mess and all for???? 

Who knows maybe I have spoken too soon?  I guess we shall see :)

*Till next time... This was Just A Day In My Shoes!  Check ya later


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