Tuesday, October 26, 2010

and here it goes...

So, I havent had a blog since I had an active Xanga account in like junior high haha  so this will be interesting.  Sometimes its just fun to write down and document your life, your thoughts, and your actions in hopes that it will make someone smile, laugh, or make their say seem just that much better.  Hence... my blog :) 

Well, this is the last official day of my last Fall Break of college... ever and might I add that it was definitely... remeberable. lol  Some portions remain a little hazy, but here is the overall jist of my doings over Fall Break 2010... On Friday, Karen and I went to see Salt with Angelina Jolie (and by I saw it with Angelina Jolie is referring more to I saw the movie and Angelina was in it... lol)  and it was awesome AND you should see it!  Then....SATURDAY HAPPENED dumm dumm DUM! lol  So Karen and I went out and sent Kate Hooper off to get all engaged and such (ps- congrats!!) at like 745 am.  We went to breakfast where Karen took part in the glory of what I call Cracker Barrel = yummy!  We came back to the apartment and chilled out and then decided to go to welll.... (insert hazy memory here of what we did that afternoon).  Then we went to David's Bridal where Karen tried on some bridesmaid dresses :) so fun!  Then is where we start the longest 4 hours of evers... We left DB and within one block stopped at a Red Light only to get completely smashed by a massive Dodge Ram.  suckfest.  So we assessed our damage, witnessed looks from all the rubberneckers driving by, heard the crunch of Karen's car all over the road, listen to grandma behind the wheel make excuses, and then just waited there for 3 HOURS for a Springfield cop to finally show up.  (In case you missed the emphasized portion...3 HOURS we waited...)  Then we had no cell phones at that point, no car, and no friends due to Fall Break- so we got a nice little ride to our apartment via the Springfield Police Department and I got to ride in the caged portion where all the crazy felons sit... niiiice :)  *Remind me to burn those clothes later...k thanks. lol  But amazingly- Karen got a rental car, we suffered minor whiplash, migraines, and soreness so thats not too bad.  It definitely could have been beyond extremely worse situation and I am thankful it wasn't.  Oh and then our friend Beau, Ally, and Vicki came over to watch a movie :)  Love them

Okay okay... I am hurrying.  I know- IM LONG WINDED... I get it. lol  Then on Sunday, Karen and I went to church with our friends Beau and Denzel.  We came home, watched "It's Complicated", chilled out, I watched some Netflix, and we made dinner (Asian Sitrfry... so good).  Then our friend Josh came over to the apartment.  We basically acted like small children and had a full out water war with squirt bottles all over our apartment!  So great :)  Sometimes its okay and a good thing to act like a kid and remind yourself to not be serious and have fun ya know???  Then we watched Love & Basketball (one of my favorites).  Lastly, I watched some ridiculous movie called Human Centipede.... dont watch it.... just... dont...... lol 

Lastly, today.  Today was a good day. Karen and I went with our friend Kait to get Karen's rental car.  We then got some Little Caesar's Hot-N-Ready!  Yummy!  We headed to Sequiota Park in Springfield and had a little picnic.  We then got some preparations and went "exploring".  We went into a cave and did a little mini-adventure hike and got some Emack & Bolio's Ice Cream.... SO GOOD!  Then remainder of the day was spent looking at houses in Springfield and watching Just Wright.

Overall, Fall Break was not too shabby.  Also, I have realized some things about my life... a) I watch WAYY too many movies... b) I love Springfield.  it is a really great town really c) i may love Springfield, but not necessarily their cops... d) i need to take advantage of every day in my life.  i take days for granted and do not use them to their full potential.  one day we are here and the next we arent.  dont take your life for gratned, you know?  i need to start doing things with my life i really want before i dont have a tomorrow :) 

loveyouguys.  this was just a day in her shoes.  look out for more to come :)


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